TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - JWT Sport 530 Turbos, only ran for 6k..$1700 SHIPPED
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Subject SELLING: JWT Sport 530 Turbos, only ran for 6k..$1700 SHIPPED
Posted by Stanky on November 25, 2014 at 1:57 AM
  This message has been viewed 926 times.
Screen Name:Stanky (BC)
Real Name:Patrick Stankiewicz
Location:Vancouver, BC v2w2c1 Canada
Research Stanky (BC)'s post history
Message I had them set at 15 psi, wheels spin freely. Selling only because I want to go bigger. They WILL come with the SZ oil lines. I also have a video of me boosting with them, which also shows that they don't smoke at all.

Paid $2300 for them, selling for $1700 SHIPPED.

I have the invoice as well.

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Follow Ups
  • JWT Sport 530 Turbos, only ran for 6k..$1700 SHIPPED - Stanky 01:57:02 11/25/14