TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - 90 White TT part out
People Seeking Info

Subject SELLING: 90 White TT part out
Posted by plusdaddy on November 18, 2014 at 3:12 PM
  This message has been viewed 813 times.
Screen Name:plusdaddy
Real Name:Tone Captone
Location:waterbury, ct 06704 USA
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Message hello I have a 1990 tt shell im parting out ..I bought it at a good price and took what parts I need now I don't need Anything else from it and have a bout a week or 2 to get it out of parking lot ..there a lot of parts left and im not trying to ask high prices just rather make a couple $$$ and help another Z member out and not let the junk yard get it for scrap metal...but there is no interior left only ignition w/ key ..pedals, ebrakes and steering wheel ... no egine or trans. or drive shaft hood or brakes left but if there is something you can think of email me and ill let u know if I have it and can send pics of everything .. I also have NA parts .. like I said im not asking top price so if u need it make me a offer if I say I have it thanks
parts off top of my head
(Twin turbo)
head lights
nose panel
oil cooler w/ bracket and hard lines
intercooling and intake piping 1 according and 4 top TB (boost hoses)
a lot of sensors
rear bumper
fuel pump
door panels
ac condenser and electric fan for ac condenser
dryer or ac
ac lines
power steering stuff
spark plug coils
couple interior panels
intake manifold
valve covers
fan shroud
fuel pump
bunch of sensors ..
28mm brake calipers
intake piping and air box
fuel rail (bad injectors)
lower intake manifold
..also have a Bunch of other stuff just email me with what u need and we can work something out .. I really don't want to scrap these parts as they are getting harder and harder to find
would post pics but cant fig out how ..the TT is white

coils(spark plug coils)

Follow Ups
  • 90 White TT part out - plusdaddy 15:12:19 11/18/14