TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - OEM driveshaft rebuilt with replaceable U-joints and new CSB
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Subject SELLING: OEM driveshaft rebuilt with replaceable U-joints and new CSB
Posted by RonZ300 (Socal) on October 21, 2014 at 1:56 PM
  This message has been viewed 613 times.
Screen Name:RonZ300 (Pittsburgh)
Real Name:Ron Hardgrove
Location:Mars, PA 16046 USA
E-mail:rhpittee at yahoo dot com
Research RonZ300 (Pittsburgh)'s post history
Message This is a rebuilt OEM driveshaft modified with replaceable u-joints (you'll never need to buy a new DS ever again) The OEM driveshaft is smooth as silk. It also has a brand new center support bearing. There is absolutely no play at all. The DS was balanced as well. Fits 2 seater TT only. (or if you have a TT diff in your NA)

I have to clean out my garage.

Make a reasonable offer and its yours.

Follow Ups
  • OEM driveshaft rebuilt with replaceable U-joints and new CSB - RonZ300 (Socal) 13:56:26 10/21/14