TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - 91 TT chipped ecu, and n62 MAF with perfect screens
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Subject SELLING: 91 TT chipped ecu, and n62 MAF with perfect screens
Posted by ChrisMedaris on October 20, 2014 at 8:46 PM
  This message has been viewed 661 times.
Screen Name:ChrisMedaris
Real Name:Chris medaris
Location:Sherman, TX 75092 USA
Research ChrisMedaris's post history
Message $200 shipped obo. Ecu has Z1 chip for 615s, single intake, 5spd, fed emissions. If that doesn't fit your specs it's cheap to get a chip made. Call text or email.

$90 shipped obo for the MAF. Pics available upon request.


Follow Ups
  • 91 TT chipped ecu, and n62 MAF with perfect screens - ChrisMedaris 20:46:24 10/20/14