TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Tile Garage Flooring
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Subject SELLING: Tile Garage Flooring
Posted by Madhatter10-6 on October 13, 2014 at 11:16 AM
  This message has been viewed 981 times.
Screen Name:Madhatter10-6
Real Name:Saxon Koger
Location:Lexington, KY 42503 USA
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Message After doing a lot of research on garage floors and trying several altentatives I decided to use commercial grade tile on my garage floor. I ended up having the opportunity to buy more than what I needed for my uses so I am selling the rest.

This tile is made by LEA, which is one of the best manufactures in the industry. This is a 24x24 inch tile that is 10MM thick and is intended for commercial applications. It is a full body unglazed porcelain tile. Normally it sells for over $8 per sqft.

For small orders I asking $3.92 per sqft and for larger orders would offer a bulk discount.

Research people LOVE their tile garage floors.

Here are the specs:

For a simple test I took this Nickel and scraped it back and forth on the tile as hard as I could. The tile was unchanged and here is the Nickel:

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