TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Intercoolers, piping, couplers, fuel rails, etc
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Subject SELLING: Intercoolers, piping, couplers, fuel rails, etc
Posted by Lumpydonut on September 22, 2014 at 5:02 PM
  This message has been viewed 953 times.
Screen Name:Lumpydonut
Real Name:Eric Mckinney
Location:Tampa, FL 33635 USA
Research Lumpydonut's post history
Message Doing some upgrades and cleaning the garage out at the same time. Prices are OBO and include shipping/paypal.

Z1 intercoolers for stock piping (not BA)
Includes silicone couplers and t-bolt clamps

Stock charge piping
All couplers except to TB and clamps included.

Stock accordion hoses

No pictures of accordions or piping yet as I don't have it all off and clean. Can get pictures if necessary.

Silicone TB hoses

TT fuel rail with stock injectors
Most injectors look shot but someone may be able to salvage so I'll leave them in. Also has fuel temp sensor still installed.

Bare TT plenum

Stock air box, feed hoses, and MAF tee

Cruise control actuator

Stock tension rods with bad bushings

Stock RUCAs

Nismo needle throw out bearing
Brand new, forgot I had it when I installed clutch.

Stock clutch fork, throw out bearing w/housing, and pivot ball
All in used but decent condition.

Follow Ups
  • Intercoolers, piping, couplers, fuel rails, etc - Lumpydonut 17:02:46 09/22/14