TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Nistune flex fuel launch control for 8 bit ECUs
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Subject SELLING: Nistune flex fuel launch control for 8 bit ECUs
Posted by Dane (Houston) on July 23, 2014 at 10:10 AM
  This message has been viewed 731 times.
Screen Name:Dane (Houston)
Real Name:Dane Miller
Phone:713 204 8136
Location:Houston, TX 77070 USA
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Message Nistune Developments real time tuning boards in stock
cables in stock

1 type-1 board
6 type-2 board
4 type-3 boards
1 type-4 dual rom board

Nistune turns a factory ECU into a powerful tuning unit, it replaces your stock or upgraded eprom/chip. ECUs with nistune installed have the ability to provide launch control and support flexfuel.

We will be offering flex fuel packages with type-2 board which currently support flex fuel. This will include a ECA sensor/control and %display gauge

Follow Ups
  • Nistune flex fuel launch control for 8 bit ECUs - Dane (Houston) 10:10:40 07/23/14