TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - OEM Manual Turbos w/ ~70k miles and zero shaft play.
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Subject SELLING: OEM Manual Turbos w/ ~70k miles and zero shaft play.
Posted by Evan(CA) on July 21, 2014 at 11:01 PM
  This message has been viewed 775 times.
Screen Name:Evan(CA)
Real Name:Evan Sila
Location:Goleta, CA 93117 USA
Research Evan(CA)'s post history
Message They came from a front clip when MWS did my swap and it was featured in a video and the provider knew it would be and I get the feeling he did his best to provide the cleanest clip he could.

The video can be seen here entitled 2+0 Twin Turbo Swap

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I have all the original receipts and can verify the mileage but I think they had like ~30k on them from the clip and another ~45 were put on since the swap.

No smoke, shaft play or leaks. A turbo timer was always used since I owned the car 5+ years now.

I'm not sure what used turbos should go for but feel free to make a cash or trade offer.

Follow Ups
  • OEM Manual Turbos w/ ~70k miles and zero shaft play. - Evan(CA) 23:01:37 07/21/14