TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - 90 na at part out , TT engine ECU CLUTCH, Wheels, and parts
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Subject SELLING: 90 na at part out , TT engine ECU CLUTCH, Wheels, and parts
Posted by Ben@HoustonZAuto on June 11, 2014 at 8:53 AM
  This message has been viewed 678 times.
Screen Name:Ben@HoustonZAuto
Real Name:Ben McRill
Location:Houston, TX 77070 USA
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we are parting out a red NA

We have a 90 style TT engine the our tech pulled from his car. it had low compression in some of the cylinders 100psi and the turbos have slight shaft play but are good. The vehicle smoked when it was cold for the first few days our tech purchased it then it cleared out. 456cc injectors are installed and all working a JET matching ECU was removed with this engine, and a performance clutch with great clutch life. we will sell this as a package, we will tie it down to a pallet but the buyer is to find and source shipping. we have stock intercooler systems and much more if someone is looking into a TT swap.

we have a large about of NA wheels, and one LEFT TT wheel pictured
30$ per na
75 for the TT
75 for aluminum TT spear space saver wheel/tire
Plus shipping

we have a 90 na automatic parts cars. picture were taken 1 day before this post 14000miles, engine over heated, left side bod damage pictured

out tech took the cowl over the battery

Follow Ups
  • 90 na at part out , TT engine ECU CLUTCH, Wheels, and parts - Ben@HoustonZAuto 08:53:38 06/11/14