TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - TT complete rear subframe $75
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Subject SELLING: TT complete rear subframe $75
Posted by tt_703 on June 10, 2014 at 3:27 PM
  This message has been viewed 439 times.
Screen Name:tt_703
Real Name:Loc nguyen
Location:triangle, va 22172 USA
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Message I just want it gone, was remove out of my 1990 300zx twin turbo @ 141k miles , I had spend hours of hard labor to replace all the bushing with energy suspension . bushing only had 2k miles on them. Things might not be good are : hicas rods, maybe bad differential because it was making clunking noise, but when removed I had several loose bolts that linking to the driveshaft so I don't know the condition of the differential. only $75 , you haul it away, must pick up asap , I am not going to hold it for anyone. prefer TEXT

Follow Ups
  • TT complete rear subframe $75 - tt_703 15:27:15 06/10/14