TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Jspec tails, xenon 99 headlights, Jdm fenders, + more
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Subject SELLING: Jspec tails, xenon 99 headlights, Jdm fenders, + more
Posted by Mecha300zx on May 15, 2014 at 3:37 AM
  This message has been viewed 1918 times.
Screen Name:Mecha300zx
Real Name:Gabriel Flores
Location:Los Angeles, CA 90061 USA
Research Mecha300zx's post history
Message Selling these items
1. BNIB Jspec tails and center panel $400+ shipping

2. BNIB cowl pieces with screws 250+ shipping
 photo imagejpg1_zps2b387f94.jpg
3. Jdm fenders Brand New

 photo imagejpg2_zps61b1032b.jpg
4. 99 xenon headlights, drivers side BNIB
Passenger has broken tabs but fixed with epoxy, works flawlessly
a href="" target="_blank"> photo IMG_9941_zps6acd9082.jpg
5. Greddy D/A musty gauge boost face mint (used for about 1k)
Comes with greddy as which adapter which his not included when
you purchase the gauge as we'll as water temp adapter.
600 shipped
a href="" target="_blank"> photo imagejpg6_zps8007febd.jpg
6. Bride Brix 2 seats with Bride rails for Z32 1800 shipped via greyhound

 photo imagejpg5_zps01fbe1f5.jpg
7. Volk te37sl graphite grey 18x9.5+22 front 18x10.5+22 Rear some rash on rears and front but very minimal wrapped in tires for easy shipping via
2500 plus shipping

Follow Ups
  • Jspec tails, xenon 99 headlights, Jdm fenders, + more - Mecha300zx 03:37:14 05/15/14