TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Powertrix Ultralite Coilovers with Extras
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Subject SELLING: Powertrix Ultralite Coilovers with Extras
Posted by RonZ300 (Socal) on May 12, 2014 at 12:44 PM
  This message has been viewed 639 times.
Screen Name:RonZ300 (Pittsburgh)
Real Name:Ron Hardgrove
Location:Mars, PA 16046 USA
E-mail:rhpittee at yahoo dot com
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Message Powertrix Ultralite Coilovers with 7k/5k Swift Springs and the Super Street Rubber Upper Mounts. The dampers themselves have only about 1000 miles on them and the swift springs and super sport rubber upper mounts only have about 10 miles on them. The front coilovers also have the new V2 lower cups with higher durometer rubber, as the V1 rubber tended to sag and deform very quickly. I do not have the powertrix springs and do not have the pillowball upper mounts as i traded these in for the Swift and SS upper mounts. If you dont want the SS upper mounts, you can trade them in with Powertrix once you receive this set. Charles is an awesome guy and has great customer service. This is the best all around combination of powertrix components in my opinion. Very comfortable on the street and excellent on the track. TEIN 8k/6k springs that fit the powertrix coilovers perfectly are included for versatility and tuning of both sets of springs. Also included are the spanner wrenches, mounting hardware, and an allen wrench for adjusting damping force (handy for adjusting the rears). Everything is in EXCELLENT condition. I am selling only because i need the cash right now. I hate to part with them but life happens.

$1350 shipped

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  • Powertrix Ultralite Coilovers with Extras - RonZ300 (Socal) 12:44:57 05/12/14