TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - vh45de(1996) and vg30dett 48p heads (late)
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Subject SELLING: vh45de(1996) and vg30dett 48p heads (late)
Posted by Ben@HoustonZAuto on April 17, 2014 at 9:27 AM
  This message has been viewed 497 times.
Screen Name:Ben@HoustonZAuto
Real Name:Ben McRill
Location:Houston, TX 77070 USA
Research Ben@HoustonZAuto's post history
Message we have a vh45de 1996 in the shop we would like to sell and a stock 60,000 mile vg30dett 1995 with a melted number 5 pistons we would like to get rid of. with late model heads intake and fuel rails. no upper plenum or turbos. they have been sold.

taking offers

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