TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - intercoolers unknown brand, samco sport hoses, dual pop, etc
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Subject SELLING: intercoolers unknown brand, samco sport hoses, dual pop, etc
Posted by jn1cz24a3lx on April 06, 2014 at 7:17 PM
  This message has been viewed 526 times.
Screen Name:jn1cz24a3lx
Real Name:matthew Billings
Location:lyme, Ct 06371 USA
Research jn1cz24a3lx's post history
Message intercoolers like new not stock $200 obo
2 sets stock intercooler pipe one set ghetto blue. $80 set
samco sport hoses for hard pipes black new $60
polished hard pipes 4. 2 pipes going to tb go from 2 to 2.5 $80
believe jwt dual pop w/ dummy maf w/filters one slightly bent $100
jwt filter brand new $40
2 sets stock intercoolers $30 set
can send pictures email or text at reasonable hour

Follow Ups
  • intercoolers unknown brand, samco sport hoses, dual pop, etc - jn1cz24a3lx 19:17:09 04/06/14