TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Chrome Hardpipes with BOVs, Stillen Intercoolers
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Subject SELLING: Chrome Hardpipes with BOVs, Stillen Intercoolers
Posted by RRyderTT on April 06, 2014 at 4:18 PM
  This message has been viewed 607 times.
Screen Name:RRyderTT
Real Name:Allen Calais
Location:Panama City, Fl 32403 USA
Research RRyderTT's post history
Message Stillen Intercoolers (used) in great condition as you can see. $500
[[ photo IMG_5335_zpsf4dfa32a.jpg]]
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[ photo IMG_5338_zpsceda81dd.jpg]

HKS BOVs w/ Chrome Hardpipes - used (Purchased from Z1 Motorsports, I HAVE PURCHASE RECEIPT). Pipes are you great condition. Perfect working condition. Great Sound and Look. $415
[[ photo DSC03392_zps93b8789d.jpg]]

Tweed passenger door panel. It has a small tear on the edge by the speaker. With the door open or closed it is hardly noticeable. $40

[[ photo securedownload_zpsbcb02cf1.jpeg]]
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If you have any questions or concerns please let me know. More pics available upon request. Thank you for looking.

Follow Ups
  • Chrome Hardpipes with BOVs, Stillen Intercoolers - RRyderTT 16:18:44 04/06/14