TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - GT2860RS Turbos W/Ash 2.5in modification (sport 700's)
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Subject SELLING: GT2860RS Turbos W/Ash 2.5in modification (sport 700's)
Posted by DarkZide on March 23, 2014 at 12:11 PM
  This message has been viewed 900 times.
Screen Name:DarkZide
Real Name:John Borchers
Location:Omaha, NE 68133 USA
Research DarkZide's post history
Message These are up for sale.
GT2860RS Disco potato turbos that have been modified by Ash to take full 2.5in inlet piping. He also tapers the inlet housing of the turbo for a smooth transition into the turbine wheel. What is pictured is what you get. Turbos, wastegates, silicone adapters, and inlet pipes. They will mount and bolt right up to the accordion pipes. I made 590rwhp with these with no breather mods and stock engine at 24psi.

Asking $2200 shipped.

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  • GT2860RS Turbos W/Ash 2.5in modification (sport 700's) - DarkZide 12:11:16 03/23/14