TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Greddy Profec B, HiFlow Cats, Stock IC pipes
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Subject SELLING: Greddy Profec B, HiFlow Cats, Stock IC pipes
Posted by AddictedToBoost on February 22, 2014 at 6:25 PM
  This message has been viewed 546 times.
Screen Name:AddictedToBoost
Real Name:Hosea Nelson
Location:SAN FRANCISCO, ca 94122 USA
Research AddictedToBoost's post history
Message Trying to sell the random parts that I have laying arounf in my garage.Shoot me a text or give me a call and I will send you some pictures.

Greddy Profec B spec II. $200 shipped

Specialty Z 3"-2.5" hiflow cats. Kinda beat up, but only have a few miles on them (retail for $700 new!!!). $265 shipped

Stock IC pipes, no silicone couplers. $95 shipped

Follow Ups
  • Greddy Profec B, HiFlow Cats, Stock IC pipes - AddictedToBoost 18:25:15 02/22/14