TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - ARP Head Studs, used: $80 shipped.
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Subject SELLING: ARP Head Studs, used: $80 shipped.
Posted by Jkova300z on January 09, 2014 at 6:59 PM
  This message has been viewed 495 times.
Screen Name:Jkova300z
Real Name:Chris Kovach
Location:DOYLESTOWN, Pa 18925 USA
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Message These are used head studs, they are these are the standard ARP head bolts, (not the L19). They cost around $200 new. Used once, and have around ~1500 miles at most on them. Pulled the heads for some cams and port work. These are in fine shape, and ARP head studs can be reused.
Email me for pictures.

Follow Ups
  • ARP Head Studs, used: $80 shipped. - Jkova300z 18:59:24 01/09/14