TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Powder coated TT reservoir & P/S pulley, Z1 clutch pivotball
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Subject SELLING: Powder coated TT reservoir & P/S pulley, Z1 clutch pivotball
Posted by Jkova300z on December 18, 2013 at 8:04 PM
  This message has been viewed 416 times.
Screen Name:Jkova300z
Real Name:Chris Kovach
Location:DOYLESTOWN, Pa 18925 USA
Research Jkova300z's post history
Message TT reservoir and is gloss black, has a few blemishes but is very nice overall, used for only a year before I swapped in a NA P/s system and res. Asking $35 shipped.

Pulley is freshly coated, and never been used since it was coated. "blasted nickel" is the color. Asking $30 shipped.
Pics of PC parts

Z1 pivot ball was run for ~1000 miles at most, on a street Z 350whp, and RPS 6 puck street disk. This pivot ball is perfect. Uninstalled because the Zspeed solid shifter kit also has one that came with it when I put that kit in. Z1 sells this for $33 + shipping. I'm asking $20 shipped.
I have pics I can send you on my iphone of it.

Follow Ups
  • Powder coated TT reservoir & P/S pulley, Z1 clutch pivotball - Jkova300z 20:04:53 12/18/13