TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Z1 510's & JWT sport 550's
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Subject SELLING: Z1 510's & JWT sport 550's
Posted by Kandy Orange Z on June 23, 2013 at 1:08 PM
  This message has been viewed 1286 times.
Screen Name:Kandy Orange Z
Real Name:Jadrein Seal
Location:Jackson, Mi 49201 USA
Research Kandy Orange Z's post history
Message Selling either Z1 510's or Jwt sport 550's.
Z1 510's are in great condition, no shaft play, spin freely, approx. 5k miles on them
$800 shipped
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JWT sport 550's (discontinued) Ball bearing, automatic exhaust housings (4bolt) will fit 5spds too ofcourse. Perfect condition, approx. 10k miles on them. You will need the Oil restrictor lines to go with them.
$900 shipped

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comparison picture between the two turbos...
As you can see, more honing on the right turbo (sport 550)
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