tt sway bar 40 duel pop elbows 40 old style cas with bracket 30 new style cas 35 tt oil lines 20 turbo timer harness 20 stock manifolds 25 tt exhaust sheilds 20 working clock 20 tt coil pack 20 tt oil tree 20 hkS TURBOS 1500 tt MAF $60 both screens are perfect.
Most items will fit in a bulk rate box so shipping is 10 for all items except turbos and sway bar turbos free shipping. sway bar im guessing about 25 should get it to most places
Hks 2530 turbos are in good shape both work fine. One does have some fin damage. But produces boost just fine. I did not know I had the damage till I remove them to install new larger gtx. ONe turbo needs a exhaust housing and both need waste gate brackets. Price is firm on these as I can sell one on a 240 forum for 1000-1200 for the one with no damage
Follow Ups
Hks 2530, tt maf, tt sway bar, cas and more - 94ttz3220:07:03 11/27/12