I have a set of Wisecos that are fully coated. New rings and clips are included. Pistons do come with pins that have been polished. Pistons have been pin fitted and are ready for a new engine.
If you want a set of stock rods with ARP bolts already installed its just $125 more and I'll include a package of assembly lube.
Kit includes:
Wiseco 88mm Pistons New Clips New Rings Polished Wrist Pins Fully coated (skirts & tops) Pin fitted
$675 SHIPPED! Steal of a price considering Wisecos alone go for $625 and a coating service if $200 add shipping in and you're over $800. These pistons are ready to go.
Follow Ups
Coated Wiseco Piston Set - Tech@EPR08:28:46 08/10/12