*Please email or leave a voicemail if interested, no texts!* I found another box of parts in my garage with a bunch of random bits. OEM Release bearing PN 30502-45P00 new in package $25 shipped 
AAC, FICD, IACV valves with Z1 silicone hoses (shown in pic) $80 shipped 
Calsonic Efan (condensor fan?). One small area of the grill is missing, about 1.5" square $30 shipped 
Power seat controls with harness $25 shipped 
Driver's side trim (lock with window controls) $15 shipped 
Two new coilpack connectors $10 shipped for both 
Thermostat gasket $7 shipped 
Assorted relays Make offer Copper crush washer. Has a lip all the way around. Not sure what its used for. Don't remember encountering it with my build Make offer 
Power window amp relay PN 28515 30P00 $20 shipped 
NUT-LOCK ADJUST SCREW (steering system) 08911-60800 $3 shipped 
New style PTU's w/o harness $25 shipped each New Turbo-downpipe gasket (1 shown, i believe I have more) $7 shipped 
Radiator rubber mounts $10 shipped for both 16lb radiator cap $10 shipped OEM oil cap $10 shipped 