I’m looking to clear some space, so everything is best offer. I’m not looking to cash in, so if you want something throw me an offer and if I don’t hear anything better within 24hrs its yours. You pay Shipping and pay pal fees on top of your offer. Please include your zip with offer and I will get back to you with a final total. Thanks
370cc injectors all ohm out not sure on mileage Both window trim moldings great shape, straight and clean Un-opened cometic head gasket set for 20over I have two complete pairs of seat belts both from low mileage zs under 70k Previous owner had someone fiberglass in around the speakers could be repaired possibly removed one post for mounting is broken on the back of each one. Rebuilt antenna , but not used since rebuilt worked perfectly when tested Thanks for looking.
Follow Ups
misc items cometic head gasket everything best offer - white22sky19:41:38 04/30/12