TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - BNIB non turbo clutch kit !
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Subject SELLING: BNIB non turbo clutch kit !
Posted by nissan300zxwork on February 21, 2012 at 10:41 PM
  This message has been viewed 345 times.
Screen Name:nissan300zxwork
Real Name:rich hogan
Location:warwick, ri 02886 USA
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Message Have several kits laying around. They are all the same ones. All brand new.

Clutch disk, pressure plate, alignment tool, throw out bearing. They are exedy clutch kits. I use with my 5spd swaps, usually last longer than the car haha. picture is of clutch kit and other things but only what's listed above is being sold.

$175 shipped.

Email and I will respond immedietly.

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