TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Rebuild Kit that can't be beat!
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Subject SELLING: Rebuild Kit that can't be beat!
Posted by Tech@EPR on February 10, 2012 at 1:35 AM
  This message has been viewed 706 times.
Screen Name:Tech@EPR
Real Name:M Wilson
Location:Ft. Worth, TX 76009 USA
Research Tech@EPR's post history
Message Im offering the following kit for those that are doing a rebuild this winter.

CP Pistons (8.5:1 Compression) any bore size (87.5mm-88mm)
Scat H-Beam Rods
Clevite Main/Rod Bearings
Full Piston coating service (skirts & tops)
Full Bearing coating service (mains & rods)

$1550 SHIPPED!!!!!

Take advantage of these prices while they are here!


Follow Ups
  • Rebuild Kit that can't be beat! - Tech@EPR 01:35:38 02/10/12