Click any of the links above and place your order. TwinZ Design Products are available by pre-order only. This Pre-Order Period will last from 12-1-2011 until 3-1-2012. You may purchase these items for the special price only during this time. The price will go up after the Pre-Order Period.
During the Pre-Order Period each item must be paid in full at the time of purchase. Once the Pre-Order Period is completed, the order will be placed for all of the items pre-ordered to be shipped to Z1. The shipment should arrive early summer 2012. Once the shipment arrives and is processed your order will be shipped to you.
This Pre-Order Period may be extended to 4-1-2012 depending on the interest of the community.
Contact us for international shipping rates.
Follow Ups
TwinZ Design Products now available for Pre-Order!! - Josh@Z111:59:22 01/12/12