All prices include paypal fees and shipping in the U.S Z1 TT silicon replacement accordian pipes . New $160 + shipping , sitting in my garage for 10 months but never installed $ 120

Ashspec 2.5" turbo outlet pipes with reducer couplers $ 65

Oem oil cooler with hoses off of 91 with 82,000 miles $40

91 fuel rail with adaptor kit for later style injectors and 550 DW injectors ( these are the later style injectors but they are first gen DW's ) they are about 4 yrs old but only have 500 miles on them and have been sitting in my garage in the rail as you see them here . The adaptor kit sells for $178 so what im going to do is if you buy the adaptor kit and rail for $200 ill give you the injectors for free .

(1) Selin silicone elbow for MAF $ 20

OEM aut TT flex plate with 82,000 miles $30 

Stillen old school fuca's bushing replaced about 5 yrs and 10,000 miles back . $50

FMIC ported 2.5" in's and out's mounted to ported bumper supports and an extra cooler bracket welded to the top of the intercooler that can be used or not used , couplers not included . $300

welded , grinded , ported and polished OEM turbo outlets with couplers and oem clamps $65

all prices include shipping and paypal fees in the U.S only