Selling parts from various Z's I've owned. They've been sitting in the garage for years. Going to dump if no one wants, price negotiable in person only. Will Not Ship. Local Pickup Only. Cash preferred.
90-91 NA motor 100k+ miles; nearly complete engine Has stock block/heads/intake/cam gears and drive accessories upper intake & misc too, just have to dig - $300
1 spare set of heads and upper intake in unknown condition throttle spring bent on intake - $150
90-91 5sp transmission with driveshaft - $250
An aftermarket NA 2+2 cat-back exhaust (no idea what brand) stock cats with some piping included. - $100
1 driver side leather electric seat in bad shape, 1 passenger side leather manual seat in bad shape, 1 rear leather seat bottom & top in bad shape $100 for all seating
Follow Ups
NA engine/trans/exhaust/seating/heads DFW - MRP0TAT020:26:17 10/06/11