TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Built Auto transmissions for the TT and NA
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Subject SELLING: Built Auto transmissions for the TT and NA
Posted by txq45 on July 12, 2011 at 3:48 PM
  This message has been viewed 216 times.
Screen Name:txq45
Real Name:Glenn McCall
Location:Plano, Tx 75025 USA
Research txq45's post history
Message Built automatics for the TT and NA 300zx to hold HIGH HP
We were the first in the US to have a reverse manual valve body for the TT/NA and since have gone on to building automatics that LAST and HOLD.
We're also a 300zx Specialist..
Nistune Dealer

Call 214 728 4826
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Follow Ups
  • Built Auto transmissions for the TT and NA - txq45 15:48:43 07/12/11