Prices INCLUDE shipping unless noted. Photos available upon request. Items will ship USPS priority unless prohibited due to size. Oil filter tree $25 TT Oil Squirters $20 for all 3 CAS sensor and bracket $40 Two Throttle bodies and linkage (all necessary hardware) $45 2 used timing belt auto tensioners $15 each Set of 40p heads still assembled minus cams and lifters. Includes cam carriers. Heads came from a running motor. $175 + shipping for both heads Block with girdle and main bolts $90 + shipping 2 sets of used OEM head bolts $15 each Twin turbo cams from an automatic $55 for all 4 Thermostat housing + water pipe that runs under the plenum $20 Upper water pipe $15 Lower water pipe $15 Set of valve covers $40 New rear main seal and retainer $15 Bare plenum $30 local Old style lower intake manifold $30 Rear timing belt covers $15 each Set of OEM NA wheels and tires on OK condition. 2 polished aluminum, 2 alloy $50 bucks local for all 4