TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - NEW UR Racing pulleys for TT or NA
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Subject SELLING: NEW UR Racing pulleys for TT or NA
Posted by ForceFedTT (SoCal) on April 03, 2011 at 10:31 PM
  This message has been viewed 397 times.
Screen Name:ForceFedTT
Real Name:Colt Bennett
Phone:xxx xxx xxxx
Location:Orlando, fL USA
Research ForceFedTT's post history

These pulleys will fit the 1990-1996 TT or NA

These are NEW and never installed, but do not come with the original box.

These are the part numbers etched into each pulley:

Crank: 0210106

Alt: 0110306

WP: 0110506

The Power Steering pulley seen in the picture is NOT included. ONLY the crank, alternator and water pump pulleys are included in this sale.

$200 shipped in 48 US states.

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