TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Nistune for your Z
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Subject SELLING: Nistune for your Z
Posted by txq45 on April 02, 2011 at 6:29 AM
  This message has been viewed 401 times.
Screen Name:txq45
Real Name:Glenn McCall
Location:Plano, Tx 75025 USA
Research txq45's post history
Message We are one of the Oldest Nistune Dealers in the US>...
World Record holder (drag racing B/MP)
Over 30 years of experience in the automotive field

Nistune gives your Z REAL TIME TUNING that would cost double or triple from other engine management systems.
You can take control of your cars performance ....
Being able to change almost everything involved in the tuning arena .. Ignition maps. fuel enrichment, timing, limiters (rpm and mph) along with the ability to do diagnostics on it.injector balance test, monitor your sensors 02, fuel temp, water temp and more

Call Glenn 214 728 4826 visit website [ ]

Follow Ups
  • Nistune for your Z - txq45 06:29:05 04/02/11