I need some quick cash. So, lower prices. All of these parts have less than 800 miles (except catback and wheels),all were brand new. all stuff is obo, but lets not be rude. pics upon request. receipts also included. JECS 550cc injectors with adapter kit, new nissan seals,o-rings, installed in oem rail 550
Z1 ECU upgrade-550's,single pop,manual,91oct 200 Z1 power steering lines (2) 40.00 OEM nissan power steering line-high pressure 125 Megan midpipes with magnaflow CA LEGAL cats welded on. 200+shipping Megan downpipes with new nissan 02 sensors 150+shipping HKS Hi-Power cat back exhaust, has a dent on one muffler. 300+shipping OEM Nissan alternator harness 200 N/A Rebuilt power steering pump using all OEM nissan seals and gaskets 50.00 HOWE radiator with stock fan shroud. 300 K&K Stainless steel belly pan 125+shipping K&K Stainless air guide 125+shipping PowerTrix Tension rods 125 PowerTrix HICAS eliminator with new OEM inner and outer tie-rods. 275 Tein HA coilovers(yes HA, there older, but still 800 miles) 575 Stock chrome TT wheels(f+r) 250+shipping OEM Nissan ECCS harness. (B4011-31P60) 250 OEM Nissan PTU and harness 125 TT intercooler pipes with stock BOV holes removed and welded over 125