For sale: A genuine BlaZt RS232 to Consult port data cable and off-brand RS232 to USB adapter with Nissan DataScan software and Windows driver disk. This is not one of the cheap, junk cables sold on eBay. I also have an iPaq RX3115 color PDA that runs ECUTalk and the HP comm cable to plug the PDA directly to the Blazt cable and Consult port. The PDA would need a new battery to operate properly. The original battery has been fully discharged and will no longer hold a charge. Replacement batteries for this model PDA can be purchased for as little as $15 online. These items can be purchased individually or the complete package makes for a very nice in vehicle, real-time monitoring system. All items are in excellent cosmetic and perfect working condition. BlaZt Cable, USB adapter, and software: $75 shipped
iPaq PDA to RS232 cable adapter: $30 shipped iPaq RX3115 Color PDA w/ Wifi (needs new battery) OEM accessories and cables included iPaq RX3115 Specifications $50 shipped ECUTalk Software Site