TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Z1 Sidemount Intercoolers SMIC Set
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Subject SELLING: Z1 Sidemount Intercoolers SMIC Set
Posted by Petar on January 26, 2011 at 5:52 PM
  This message has been viewed 275 times.
Screen Name:Petar
Real Name:Petar Kalvachev
Location:ofallon, mo 63368 USA
Research Petar's post history
Message Use Z1 Sidemount Intercoolers SMIC Set.I use them for just one summer my be 3000 miles they are in perfect shape no dent not a single scrach.Asking $430 the byer is paing for the shippping about $20 with ups ground.
Pictures available upon request.
Thank you.

Follow Ups
  • Z1 Sidemount Intercoolers SMIC Set - Petar 17:52:51 01/26/11