TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - 18" Yokahama AV5 SMZ wheels
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Subject SELLING: 18" Yokahama AV5 SMZ wheels
Posted by JUNz (?00)rwhp on December 23, 2010 at 3:46 PM
  This message has been viewed 981 times.
Screen Name:JUNz (?00)rwhp
Real Name:Jay Tatlonghari
Location:Azusa, Ca 91702 USA
Research JUNz (?00)rwhp's post history
Message Rare !! Discontinued !! Still Demand !!
Yokahama AV5 SMZ wheels
18x8.5 (30mm)
18x9.5 (35mm)

All wheels are wrapped in Falken FK-452 tires.
(frt) 245-40ZR18 80%
(rr) 265-35ZR18 50%

They are in good shape with very-light curb rash on both front wheels

Selling price is: $1700 (local sale preferred) but willing to ship at buyers expense.

*Additional pictures available

*Add shipping and PayPal add 3%

Thanks for looking.

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