TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Cheap used parts: Turbos, PTUs, Injectors, fuel rail, etc.
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Subject SELLING: Cheap used parts: Turbos, PTUs, Injectors, fuel rail, etc.
Posted by Tennyson (ATL) on August 18, 2008 at 9:56 PM
  This message has been viewed 1369 times.
Screen Name:Tennyson (ATL)
Real Name: Tennyson
Location:Marietta, GA 30060 USA
Research Tennyson (ATL)'s post history
Message Paypal preferred

Used Turbos, still boost hard but leak oil. Good for rebuilds or core exchanges. $250 shipped.

PTU new and old style both tested and working. $50 shipped for new. $35 for old.



Fuel Rail $30 shipped

6 used injectors worked fine before removal on last engine. All have damaged plastic caps, but search reveals they will work fine. (pic shows only five, sixth one was found after my friend with the camera left) $25 each shipped or $100 for all six.

Oil filter Tree w/ oil sending unit $35 shipped

Stock flywheels $45 shipped each

Lower intake $50 shipped

Upper Coolant pipe $20 shipped

Stock boost solenoids (one is missing connector) $30 shipped $20 for one w/ missing connector

Autometer boost guage $20 shipped

Intake valve covers $30 shipped

Brand new Clutch master cylinder never installed $25 shipped

Speed Sensor $30 shipped

Fuel dampener $20 shipped

AC Bracket $25 shipped

Coil packs $15 each shipped or $75 for six

Follow Ups
  • Cheap used parts: Turbos, PTUs, Injectors, fuel rail, etc. - Tennyson (ATL) 21:56:34 08/18/08