TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - *******New 300zx Wings West Full Bodykit Urethane for a twin
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Subject SELLING: *******New 300zx Wings West Full Bodykit Urethane for a twin
Posted by jas0n3485 on September 01, 2007 at 6:07 PM
  This message has been viewed 2205 times.
Screen Name:sdfaf
Real Name:dfasdf sdfad
Location:, USA
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Message Ive decided to just go with a stillen type 3 lip front and to keep the body simple so which means I wont be needing this bodykit anymore. My loss is your gain. If you can make payment before any day off noon, I will have the tracking number that same day. If you have any questions at all or would like to see pictures email me at jas0n1985 at yahoo dot com (wrote out whole word to prevent spamming) Asking $960.00 shipped. Local pick up would be $860.00 I am located in central california (Fresno)

All I did to the kit was predrilled the holes so you dont have to. Bodykit was on my car no less than 2 weeks, no chips/dings nothing. All you need is to paint the kit then bolt on :)

Fitted very well on my car.
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Heres what the kit looks like (woody75's Z)
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Follow Ups
  • *******New 300zx Wings West Full Bodykit Urethane for a twin - jas0n3485 18:07:24 09/01/07