TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Chrome Upper Plenum Intake
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Subject SELLING: Chrome Upper Plenum Intake
Posted by JTurbo@Z1 on April 17, 2006 at 3:20 PM
  This message has been viewed 3520 times.
Screen Name:Jturbo
Real Name:Johnny Turbo
Location:Douglasville, Ga 30135 USA
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Message After many request we are now offering a Chrome Upper Intake Plenum.

If you are like us the polished plenum is frustrating and hard to clean. The polished plenum looks great for the first week until the shine starts to fade. When it comes time to get the polish and the towels out you realize how much trouble it is to polish the hard to reach places around the plenum. Well, with the chrome plenum all you need is windex, towel, about 5 mins and you are ready for an audience.

We are offering this chrome plenum for $395 w/ $125 core charge.

For more info or to add it to your wish list visit our website.
Chrome Upper Plenum

Follow Ups
  • Chrome Upper Plenum Intake - JTurbo@Z1 15:20:45 04/17/06